Brendon Marotta Slams Blocked And Reported Podcast Hit Piece With Startling New Revelations
Marotta's evidence refutes Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon's claims point by point.
Filmmaker, author, and social justice activist, Brendon Marotta, released compelling rebuttal to the Blocked and Reported Podcast’s recent hit piece on the intactivist movement that meticulously dismantles the claims made against him and reveals a startling revelations about Ungar-Sargon's clandestine efforts to undermine both Marotta and the intactivist cause.
Addressing the podcast's accusation of him being a secret "white nationalist," Marotta highlights their glaring omission of his marriage to a non-white, brown woman and their “wonderful mixed-race child,” debunking the claim. Marotta also reveals that he is speaking with lawyers about Ungar-Sargon’s false claims and questionable behavior.
Marotta states that in 2017, the first time he received an email from an ally of Ungar-Sargon claiming “you are a known in the intactivist community as a white nationalist” he replied that the claim was false and wrote “I disavow those groups and anyone who perpetuates hate or violence.” He adds that at the time he was unaware that Ungar-Sargon was behind this claim.
Marotta recounts how Ungar-Sargon went to great lengths to conceal his campaign against him. It was only when Marotta hired a journalist to investigate that he discovered what Ungar-Sargon had done. The journalist acquired audio of Ungar-Sargon speaking about his manipulative tactics, including turning intactivists and media against Marotta, with the aim of pressuring the intactivist movement to align with Ungar-Sargon's agenda.
Additionally, Marotta revealed that he has recordings of another intactivist recounting secret meetings with Ungar-Sargon. In these recordings, the activist describes being blacklisted as an "enabler of racism" by Ungar-Sargon for suggesting that someone speak to Marotta to verify whether or not Ungar-Sargon’s claims were true. Marotta states that this activist is now working with Ungar-Sargon to save their career from Ungar-Sargon’s attacks.
Marotta offered his recordings to the Blocked and Reported Podcast, but they said he should not even bother sending them.
While Ungar-Sargon called the entire intactivist movement “alt right” in a major hit piece in The Guardian, Marotta reveals that a second hit piece was planned in The Atlantic, which he managed to prevent by engaging in a direct conversation with the reporter. Marotta implies that the reporter's integrity led them to abandon the hit piece.
Marotta further clarifies that the quotes from his book Children's Justice, which Ungar-Sargon's allies have taken out-of-context, are direct quotes from critical race theorists like Robin DiAngelo with references to “whiteness” replaced with “Jewishness.” Ironically, these quotes align with the very ideology Ungar-Sargon sought to impose on Marotta, highlighting the absurdity of their objections. Marotta suggests that Ungar-Sargon’s attacks were an influence in him deciding to write the book.
Marotta affirms that he wants Jewish people to be “safe and happy and loved.” He says that criticisms in his book that Ungar-Sargon and his allies have attacked as “antisemitic” are directed at the social construction of Jewish identity, rather than Jews themselves. He suggest that critiquing social consturctions is an acceptable part of the tradition of social justice.
In a previous public attack, Ungar-Sargon accused Marotta of associating with a "white nationalism" by appearing on Stefan Molyneux's podcast. Marotta clarifies that his positive remarks regarding Molyneux were solely based on their shared opposition to circumcision. As evidence, Marotta refers to a 2018 podcast where he was asked about Molyneux's other beliefs and Marotta has no idea what the host is referring to. Marotta further suggests that this criticism holds little significance, as Ungar-Sargon himself collaborates with two other activists who also appeared on the same podcast.
Marotta says that Ungar-Sargons actions were damaging to him professionally and personally. He describes a deep sense of loss that the intactivist community he once found safe might have participated in an attempt to destroy his reputation and work. He suggests that Ungar-Sargon’s actions look like the actions of “someone trying to destroy a movement.”
This response podcast is a throughouh rebuttall to all claims that have been made against Marotta and includes shocking new relevations about what has secretly been occuring in the intactivist movement for the past several years. You can listen to the full podcast for yourself on Marotta’s substack here.